Chapter 13 Digital Evidence

13.1 Score-Based Likelihood Ratios for Camera Device Identification

13.1.1 NIST New Project Proposal

3/4/2022 - I sent a rough draft of proposal to Danica, Alicia, and Stacy

3/9/2022 - I send a 2nd draft of the proposal to Danica and Alicia.

3/10/2022 - Because we plan to collect images from mutli-camera phones, I spent time learning about what types of cameras are typically included in multi-camera phones and under which conditions each camera is used. The most common rear cameras seem to be used for telephoto and wide angle shots. It sounds sometimes only a single a camera is used to capture an image and sometimes multiple cameras are used.

8/30/2022 - Marc sent revised proposal to NIST and “authors’ responses” to reviewers.