Replace missing values in a scan
comparison_replaceMissing(heightValues, replacement = 0)
list/tibble column of x3p objects
value to replace NAs
A list of the same length as the input containing x3p objects for which NA values have been replaced.
cellTibble <- fadul1.1_processed %>%
comparison_cellDivision(numCells = c(8,8)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(regionHeightValues =
comparison_getTargetRegions(cellHeightValues = cellHeightValues,
target = fadul1.2_processed)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(cellPropMissing =
comparison_calcPropMissing(heightValues = cellHeightValues),
regionPropMissing =
comparison_calcPropMissing(heightValues = regionHeightValues)) %>%
dplyr::filter(cellPropMissing <= .85 & regionPropMissing <= .85) %>%
dplyr::mutate(cellHeightValues =
comparison_standardizeHeights(heightValues = cellHeightValues),
regionHeightValues =
comparison_standardizeHeights(heightValues = regionHeightValues)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(cellHeightValues =
comparison_replaceMissing(heightValues = cellHeightValues),
regionHeightValues =
comparison_replaceMissing(heightValues = regionHeightValues))
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5
#> cellIndex cellHeightValues regionHeightValues cellPropMissing regionPropMissi~
#> <chr> <named list> <named list> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1, 6 <x3p> <x3p> 0.833 0.811
#> 2 2, 7 <x3p> <x3p> 0.657 0.700
#> 3 2, 8 <x3p> <x3p> 0.834 0.757
#> 4 3, 8 <x3p> <x3p> 0.353 0.638
#> 5 4, 8 <x3p> <x3p> 0.153 0.576
#> 6 5, 1 <x3p> <x3p> 0.117 0.771