Extract regions from a target scan based on associated cells in reference scan
theta = 0,
sideLengthMultiplier = 3,
list/tibble column of x3p objects containing a reference scan's cells (as returned by comparison_cellDivision)
x3p object containing a breech face scan to be compared to the reference cell.
degrees that the target scan is to be rotated prior extracting regions.
ratio between the target region and reference cell side lengths. For example, sideLengthMultiplier = 3 implies each region will be 9 times larger than its paired reference cell.
A list of the same length as the input containing x3p objects from the target scan.
cellTibble <- fadul1.1_processed %>%
comparison_cellDivision(numCells = c(8,8)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(regionHeightValues = comparison_getTargetRegions(cellHeightValues = cellHeightValues,
target = fadul1.2_processed)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(cellPropMissing = comparison_calcPropMissing(heightValues = cellHeightValues),
regionPropMissing = comparison_calcPropMissing(heightValues = regionHeightValues)) %>%
dplyr::filter(cellPropMissing <= .85 & regionPropMissing <= .85)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5
#> cellIndex cellHeightValues regionHeightValues cellPropMissing regionPropMissi~
#> <chr> <named list> <named list> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1, 6 <x3p> <x3p> 0.833 0.811
#> 2 2, 7 <x3p> <x3p> 0.657 0.700
#> 3 2, 8 <x3p> <x3p> 0.834 0.757
#> 4 3, 8 <x3p> <x3p> 0.353 0.638
#> 5 4, 8 <x3p> <x3p> 0.153 0.576
#> 6 5, 1 <x3p> <x3p> 0.117 0.771