class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Weekly Update for Feb 18 ### 2019-02-18 --- class: inverse # About Slides --- class: primary # New CSAFE slide template We're now using [`xaringan`]( What's changed: - New person slide: ```` --- class: inverse # Your Name ```` --- class: secondary - New content slide with title: ```` --- class: primary # Title of slide Slide content ```` - New content slide without title: ```` --- class: secondary Slide content with no title on slide ```` --- class: inverse # Sample User --- class: primary # Sample Slide - Sample Table. Sam Tyner talked about the three must-haves of your summary: | Must-have | It means | | :------ | :------- | | Context | Why are you doing what you're doing? "I'm working on X project in order to Y" | | Content | What are you doing? "I wrote X function that does Y" or "I ran a simulation of Z" | | Conclusion | What did you learn? "This will help me because it..." or "This important because it gets us to..." | --- class: secondary - If you are going to add an image, **create a directory** with your name within "images" folder. For example, "images/**guillermo**/sample_image.JPG" <img src = "images/guillermo/sample_image.JPG" width="35%"/> --- class: inverse # Ganesh --- class: primary # Weekly goals and update - Pre-processing interface for the Bullet UI (finishing up) - Break-off and irregularity Detection on Bullet Land images - Computer Vision literature: Image segmentation, Edge Detection, Contour Detection - One way that I am exploring is using Markov Random Fields for Image Segementation --- class: inverse # Soyoung --- class: primary # Spring Semester Goals - Submit glass EDA paper with Sam - Working on two papers of shoe analysis on SURF matching - Waiting for response from JCGS - Workinig on the book chapters - Working on Dirichlet process for uncentainty pyramid with Sam - Working on covariance estimation on glass data with Sam --- class: inverse # Miranda --- class: primary # Spring Semester Goals - Write up neural network progress (to use as Creative Component) - AAFS poster in February - Help Susan with Truthiness study - Determine next steps with CNN - Written Prelim this summer --- class: inverse # Nick --- class: primary # Document Partition <img src="images/Nick/AnimateDocLetters.gif" width = "50%"/> --- class: inverse # Danica --- class: primary # Spring Semester Goals - Submit follow-up BF vs. LR paper to LPR - Continue NIJ grant to validate FDE conclusions - Working to figure out how to combine kinematic scores across the entire phrase - Work with Amy on the CSAFE Handwriting project - Write a paper for LPR on approximations to BFs - Write a paper on Fiducial Factors with UNC - Start NIJ grant on forensic error rate studies - Working on paper concerning ROC curves and SLRs - Writing Winning Grant Proposals Phase 2 Workshop - Draft an NSF CAREER Proposal (for 2020 submission?) - Work with Dan Spitzner from UVA on the CSAFE Statistical Foundations project --- class: inverse # Kiegan --- class: primary # Spring Semester Goals - Submit AFTE paper - **Submit JFS paper** - **AAFS in February** - Getting presentation ready - **Design/implement gauge R&R** - Working on model development - Testing on "user measurements" data - Working on the book - **Oral prelim on grooves material, plans for gauge R&R and beyond...** - **Write up Chapter 1** - Lit Review in progress - Chapter 1 and JFS paper writing! --- class: inverse # Susan --- class: primary # Last Week - AAFS poster - Reading on CNNs and texture detection/segmentation - Networks that pull out texture features - Unsupervised learning of texture information - Ways to separate texture information from shape information <img src="images/susan/husky-lake.png" width = "100%"/> --- class: inverse # Nate --- class: primary # Spring Semester Goals - Finish (or get close) to SLR paper - Finish groove changepoint R package and my contribution to the joint paper with Kiegan - Find an internship - Mostly finish dissertation chapter on sparse GPs (and work on corresponding R package?) - Oral prelim - Learn Python through stat 602 --- class: inverse # Amy --- class: primary - <strong>Collect data</strong> * Colin will (small) pilot next week at Show and Tell. - <strong>Research</strong> * Working with `handwriter` extracted features - going well. <br> <br> - AAFS presentation --- class: inverse # Sam --- class: primary # Spring Semester Goals (Added at 3:45pm in the DFW airport en route to RStudio::conf) - Submit, submit, submit! * Another thesis chapter to JCGS. (No word yet on other paper submitted to ISR) * Glass EDA paper (w/Soyoung) to JFS * Jury study paper (from a while ago...) to LPR - Other research * Covariance matrices for glass element concentrations (w/SP) * Keep researching uncertainty pyramid related things (w/SP, SL, HI) * ROpenSci fellowship book. Current plan: release in April --- class: inverse # Issues --- class: secondary - [Issues!!]( - One issue down, three to go.