
Read Chapters 13-15 of the book What is a p-value anyway? by Andrew Vickers. (Sam and Joe will have handed copies out already.) Respond to the circled discussion questions at the end of each chapter. Remember, length of response is not as important as how well and how clearly you communicate your well-formed thoughts in the response. Please avoid run-on sentences. You may use the outline below to frame your responses. Try to respond in such a way so that the reader can tell what the question was without having to write the question out before your answer.

Chapter 13

  1. Your response
  2. Your response
  3. Your response

Chapter 14

  1. Your response
  2. Your response to parts b, c, and e

Chapter 15

  1. Your response
  2. Your response
  3. No response
  4. Your response

Instructions (Read carefully, please!!):

Before beginning the new assignment, update your fork, and pull those changes to your fork down to your computer through RStudio.

Save a copy of this file (in RStudio), replacing “Lastname” in the filename with your own and leave the original unedited.

In your copy, replace the title: and subtitle: fields in the YAML above (put your name in the subtitle field), while leaving the remaining fields intact. Remove the background and the instructions sections and write your blog post!

Once you are done, create a pull request to upload your changes to the original repository!

Note: The date above is the due date and time. Don’t edit this field!

Extra, extra!

Sam and Joe will reject your pull request if it does not comport with the instructions above!