
Carefully read the paper, “The Development and Application of Random Match Probabilities to Firearm and Toolmark Identification” by Murdock et al. It is provided in the repo here.

Your assignment has two parts:

  1. Your first assignment is to summarize this paper. There are four sections: the introduction, “Review of the Current Literature in Statistical Applications for Firearms and Toolmarks”, “Current State of the Use of RMPs in Firearm and Toolmark Identification”, and “Absolute Versus Practical Identification and Subjectivity”. Please summarize each one, creating a header in your post for each.
  2. We have spent some time talking about titles and abstracts lately, specifically about how they should accurately and concisely describe the work being presented. Keep this in mind as you read and summarize the paper, and as a part of your response, assess the quality of the title and abstract of this paper compared to the content of this paper. Describe your assessment in detail, with examples and quotes from the paper to support your claims.

Once you have completed your summary and assessment of the paper, you may also write an entirely optional response to it. If you choose to do this part, think of it as a “Letter to the Editor”: what is your opinion about the paper? If you like it (or don’t like it), describe why (or why not) with citations. All of your thoughts are welcome. Joe and I are very curious. (It doesn’t actually need to be formatted as a letter. That’s just the idea we’re going for.)

Please use the following as a template for your post:

Summary of Murdock et. al


Review of the Current Literature in Statistical Applications for Firearms and Toolmarks

Current State of the Use of RMPs in Firearm and Toolmark Identification

Absolute Versus Practical Identification and Subjectivity

Title & Abstract Discussion

Optional “Letter to the Editor”

Instructions (Read carefully, please!!):

Before beginning the new assignment, update your fork, and pull those changes to your fork down to your computer through RStudio.

Save a copy of this file (in RStudio), replacing “Lastname” in the filename with your own and leave the original unedited.

In your copy, replace the title: and subtitle: fields in the YAML above (put your name in the subtitle field), while leaving the remaining fields intact. Remove the background and the instructions sections and write your blog post! The first person to email Sam & Joe before the due date of this post with the subject line “I can read directions” will receive a five dollar gift card to caribou.

Once you are done, create a pull request to upload your changes to the original repository!

Note: The date above is the due date and time. Don’t edit this field!

Extra, extra!

Sam and Joe will reject your pull request if it does not comport with the instructions above!