
Revisit the case study on “When contact changes minds” and the problems surrounding it. Review the answers to the questions you chose. Additionally, review the responses of two of your peers, which you read over during Thursday’s discussion. Be sure at least one of the questions each person answered is different from the questions you answered.

For your two questions, plus one question from each of the two peers you selected, (for a total of 4 questions), discuss the following:

In what ways can GitHub (or comprable cloud-based, version controlled, collaborative environments) help address the issues which the questions raise?

In addition, please respond to the following:

If you were asked to consult for a research project, how would you recommend the integration of GitHub into the workflow? Assume your collaborators have never used GitHub before. Be sure to also explain briefly how it works so they can understand.

Instructions (Read carefully, please!!):

Before beginning the new assignment, update your fork.

Save a copy of this file, replacing “Lastname” in the filename with your own and leave the original unedited.

In your copy, replace the title: and subtitle: fields in the YAML above (put your name in the subtitle field), while leaving the remaining fields intact. Remove the background and the instructions sections and write your blog post!

Once you are done, create a pull request to upload your changes to the original repository!

Note: The date above is the due date and time. Don’t edit this field!

Extra, extra!

Sam and Joe will reject your pull request if it does not comport with the instructions above!