
The retracted Science paper When contact changes minds and the surrounding problems are discussed in detail in form of a case study on Responsible Conduct of Research by the Research Office of the University of New Hampshire. Read through the case study (and maybe try to find out some more of the details on the case).

At the end of the case study, several questions are raised. Pick two (2) of the questions and write a blog post discussing them. Make sure to include the text of the questions you are answering.

The case study links to several resources for your references if you are unfamiliar with the material being discussed.

Instructions (Read carefully, please!!):

Before beginning the new assignment, update your fork.

Save a copy of this file, replacing “Lastname” in the filename with your own and leave the original unedited.

In your copy, replace the title: and subtitle: fields in the YAML above (put your name in the subtitle field), while leaving the remaining fields intact. Remove the background and the instructions sections and write your blog post!

Once you are done, create a pull request to upload your changes to the original repository!

Note: The date above is the due date and time. Don’t edit this field!

Extra, extra!

Sam and Joe will reject your pull request if it does not comport with the instructions above.