
A rotation-based feature and Bayesian Hierarchichal model for the forensic evaluation of handwriting evidence in a closed set, Crawford et al. (2022) [PDF]

Handwriting Indentification using Random Forests and Score-based likelihood ratios, Johnson and Ommen (2022) [PDF] [Wiley Online]

A clustering method for graphical handwriting components and statistical writership analysis, Crawford et al. (2020) [PDF] [Wiley Online]

A database of handwriting samples for applications in forensic statistics, Crawford et al. (2019) [PDF] [Science Direct]


Center for Statistics and Application in Forensic Evidence's (CSAFE) Homepage

GitHub Repo for Handwriter


Measurements Poster - Poster created by James Taylor for ISU Research Day 2020

Handwriter Poster - Poster created by Félix Báez-Santiago and Julia Lundstrum for IAI Conference 2021